Jin Kim, an internationally acclaimed baroque violinist has been performing around the world since 1993.
Ms. Kim’s early engagements as a baroque violinist started as a doctoral student at the University of Michigan, USA while studying modern violin with Ruggiero Ricci and baroque ensemble with Edward Parmentier. America Baroque Ensemble, Ars Musica, Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra, Newberry Consort, Brandywine Baroque, Apolo’s fire were groups among others she participated in the early ’90s.
She was deeply influenced by Sigiswald Kuijken’s approach for the early music and studied with him during 1987-1990 in Belgium and has been playing with La Petite Band since 1993- present, concertizing in major Early music festivals in Europe, Asia, and South America and participated numerous CD recordings under the label of DeutscheHarmoniaMundi and Accent among others.
She received The Honorable Mention in the Brugge International Early Music Competition (Belgium 1993). Since she received the highest prize In the Yamanashi Early Music Competition and Tochigi Early Music Festival Award in Japan in 1992, Ms. Kim has been invited to Japan to give solo and ensemble concerts until now.
Ms.Kim was invited as a soloist and Concert Master in the USA: Bach Society of Minnesota, Ars Lyrica(TX), Catacoustic Baroque Orchestra(OH), North Carolina Baroque Orchestra(NC), Ars Antigua, Newberry Consort (IL), Ensemble Mirabel(CA) Brandywine Baroque (DE) among many others and taught at: Northwestern University (IL), Roosevelt University (IL) and gave Master Classes in the USA, Japan, and Korea.
As a pioneer of early music in South Korea, she started to give early music concerts: Duo concert with Edward Parmentier in 1990 and “ Duo concerts with Toyohiko Sato” (invited for a 10th-anniversary concert by music magazine Auditorium, 1993) while it was an unknown field there.
Ms. Kim founded a global early music project group “Musica Glorifica” and orchestrated an exchange of musicians internationally to introduce early music to her motherland S.Korea with her colleagues -Marc Hantai, Benjamin Alard, Philippe Pierlot, Hidemi Suzuki, Regina Albanez among others- since 2002.
Various concert series over the last 20 years include:
History of Baroque,
Entire Biber Mystery Sonatas
Road to Bach
Bach’s concertos and Cantatas
Handel’s Messiah
French baroque music with baroque dancers
Cafe Musica series in the spirit of Bach’s Cafe Zimmerman.
Baroque and Jazz
Baroque music with Korean dance
Fantasia and Passacaglia
Ms. Kim’s solo CDs:
Psalms for you - early Italian music
Handel Violin Sonatas
Fantasia and Passacaglia- unaccompanied violin solo
were released in Japan and Korea.
Ms. Kim has been enjoying her rich experiences in three continents over the course of three decades and believes it has enriched her perspectives on both music and her life.
“enough to clean our soul with transparent, beautiful and serene sounds.””
Competitions and Recognition
Received Minnesota State Artist Initiative grant (2016)
Recognized as one of 50 notable people originally from the province of Julla in South Korea with her biography and artistic philosophy. Published in From Hope to Hope (p.94-99) and identified for her passionate and singular devotion to her art. Published by Sanchurum (2014)
An invited performer at the 50th anniversary concert of MBC-TV Company, Korea (2014)
Second prize (with no first) at the Yamanashi International Early Music Competition (1992)
Musician of 1992 at Tochigi Early Music Festival in Japan (1992)
Honorable Mention, Brugge International Early Music Competition (1990)
Solo CDs Ensemble CDs
‘Fantasia and Passacaglia’ for Solo Violin in Korea
Handel: Sonatas for Violin and Basso Continuo, released by ALM in Japan and Korea
Psalms for You: 17th Century Italian Music, released by Brain Music in Japan and Korea
Christmas Oratorio with La Petite Bande, released by Challenge Classics
G. Ph. Telemann Trio & quartet, released by JDC in Japan
French Dance Music with La Petite Bande, released by Accent
Haydn Symphonies with La Petite Bande, released by Deutsche Harmonium Mundi
Bach Cantata Cycle of recordings (5) with La Petite Bande, released by Accent
Matthew Passion with La Petite Bande, released by Challenge Classics
St. John Passion with RicercarConsort, released by MIRARE
Seoul National University, School of Music (M.A. M.M)
University of Michigan (M.M. D.M.A.course work)
Private study in baroque violin with Sigiswald Kuijken in Belgium
Ms Kim has given numerous lectures and master classes at Universities in Korea and Japan.
She has also taught at Northwestern University, IL. U.S.A.